Next stop on Chris's football tour

We've been posting regular updates about Chris Wasley and his fabulous awareness raising tour of football grounds around the UK. His latest match was at St James Park - home of Newcastle United - where he met with fellow APP supporter Lee Smith.

Here's Chris's report of his most recent football adventure...

'On Friday (1st March), my wife Natalie and I visited the Chorley MBU.  The Chorley Ribblemere MBU is the closest to my wife's hometown of Accrington, where I have already seen a match this season.
So as to not disturb the mums staying there, we understandably didn't go in to the MBU.  But we had a long chat with the Deputy Ward Manager Lauren, explaining our story and my awareness tour and listening to the wonderful work they do there.  As soon as you entered the MBU there was a whole notice board dedicated to APP. Which was great to see! But I was so interested to hear about their new endeavours in being the first MBU in the country to set up a partner programme specifically to support partners post release from the MBU.
Rightly so, medical professionals focus on the mums. The ones who have this severe mental health illness. But not to sound selfish in any way, partners go through a lot too. So it was incredible to hear about their new programme and plans to help support the partners.
On Saturday (2nd March) I attended my fourth match of my football awareness tour! I went to see Newcastle United vs Wolves at the iconic St James Park. What an experience!  St James Park is 17miles from the Northumberland Tyne and Wear MBU at Morpeth.
It was an impressive win for Newcastle after some indifferent results lately, and reignites their hopes for European qualification.
I am so relieved they won and that I am not a guaranteed curse for the home teams on this challenge!
I have to say thank you to Newcastle United, for putting an entry in their match day programme to help me in raising awareness. And to all the fans and stewards at the ground who talked to me about this challenge and all things Postpartum Psychosis and MBUs.
My wife doesn't share my love of football, but she certainly enjoyed experiencing the shops and sights of Newcastle City Centre whilst I was occupied at the match!  But the weekend experience was made all the greater for meeting the amazing Lee Smith in person!
Lee has done some incredible fundraising for APP after his wife Jess experienced Postpartum Psychosis in 2020. He completed a mammoth 12 fundraisers in 12 months and is currently training for the London marathon in April! You've got this mate!
We had a great weekend with Lee exploring the city. It was amazing to meet him in person, to talk about our experiences of Postpartum Psychosis, our families and our love of football.  We will definitely be keeping in touch!
With this being the furthest ground I had travelled to so far, over 300 miles away from home, we also took the opportunity to visit the Northumberland Tyne and Wear MBU at Morpeth on Monday 4th March.
We were welcomed in to the MBU by the Ward Manager Sarah, who was kind enough to give us a tour of the MBU and to speak to the staff. Everyone was so friendly, and again it was so wonderful to hear about all the amazing work they do there.
The Northumberland Tyne and Wear MBU have an amazing integrated peer supporter who clearly provides invaluable support and hope. It was such a warm and welcoming environment, which clearly help new mums on the road to recovery.
It has been really interesting this trip to see and hear how different the MBUs are.
I know from our experience at the Bournemouth MBU, and from speaking to Lee and other dads in the PP community, how important the MBUs are. There aren't enough MBUs in the UK, and they really do deserve to be brought to the public's attention more. Which hopefully I am doing on this challenge.
For the first time, I don't actually know what fixture is next on my list!  It has all been quite busy recently, and before I know it the season will have drawn to a close. I am trying to fit in a fifth match this season if I can, but if not I will be ready and waiting for the new seasons fixture releases to go again!
I have to say I am really enjoying this personal challenge. It has certainly evolved and grown (for the better!) since my original idea. I am so honoured by all of the support I have experienced at the grounds I have visited so far, by the clubs themselves in supporting my challenge and also the fans and football communities for taking the time to talk to me about MBUs and Postpartum Psychosis.
I am so excited to continue this challenge and for the adventures to come!'

UPDATE 18.04.2024
Chris has managed to squeeze in one more match before the season ends - this time he travelled to London for an all important derby match!
Chris says: 'Match #5 of my first season of my awareness tour complete! I am happy with that!  On Sunday 14th April I attended my fifth match of my football awareness tour.  I went to see West Ham United lose two nil against Fulham at the London Stadium in the east-versus-west London derby!

Chris and his friend inside the stadium

I went to the game with one of my oldest friends Lee 'Kiddo' who I have known since primary school. Lee and his family and friends are devoted Irons and have followed West Ham all over the world!
To my surprise, despite very high demand, I was able to get an entry about my challenge, Postpartum Psychosis and the MBUs in the match day programme - Thank you West Ham.
West Ham and the London Stadium is less than 3 miles from the City and Hackney MBU and during the week I was able to have a few phone calls with the City and Hackney MBU. Being a weekend I wasn't able to visit in person, but we have agreed that should I return this way in the future we will organise a visit. I guess I will just have to find another ground to visit for my challenge...
This was my last fixture this season, so I will be ready and waiting for the new seasons fixture releases to go again.
Up next for me is something very different - I am very honoured to have been asked to talk about my experience of Postpartum Psychosis at the Surrey University Student Midwives Conference on the 21st May.  I understand there will be a few hundred student midwives in attendance. So this is certainly a new and exciting (and scary!) opportunity for me!'
Thank you Chris and we can't wait to hear about your plans for next season's fixtures!
The match day programme featuring Chris
Chris has now set up an Instagram page specifically for his challenge - you can follow him here