Teams at Mother and Baby Units across the UK can sign up to APP’s dedicated e-newsletter for MBUs. The newsletter provides updates on APP services for women and families, as well as APP peer support embedded in NHS community teams and MBUs. The newsletter was introduced following feedback from MBU staff who said they’d like to hear direct from the APP team about topics including:

  • Health professional training
  • Sharing best practice from Mother and Baby Units around the UK
  • Team and individual fundraising challenges

Recent articles have included:

  • Mother and Baby Unit Pamper Packs
  • APP peer support within MBUs
  • Translation of APP Insider Guides:  Recovery after PP; PP: a Guide for Partners; and Planning Pregnancy after PP are available in Arabic, Bengali, Polish, Slovak and Urdu. 

The newsletter is sent quarterly to Mother and Baby Unit teams. To sign up, please fill in the short form below. We’d also love to hear ideas from MBU staff about stories and articles for inclusion. Please get in touch with us at