Here you can read the latest news stories about postpartum psychosis (PP) and Action on Postpartum Psychosis.

May 2024

APP storyteller Ruth Hanna shares her experience of PP with Tyla journalist Rhiannon Ingle. Also features comment and advice from APP CEO Dr Jess Heron..

Read the full article here

“I had a baby and then I went mad”. APP’s ambassador Laura Dockrill chats to Femail about her experience of postpartum psychosis.

Read the full article here

APP’s Elinor Davies chats to ITV News about her experience of PP and Ribblemere Mother and Baby Unit.

Read the full article here

A piece in the Independent focusing on the signs and symptoms of postpartum psychosis, with a mention of APP.

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A Belfast mum on raising awareness of PP, her own experience and the need for MBUs in Northern Ireland - citing APP’s research.

Read the full article here

Belfast mum Alex Bartholomew on why she is running to raise awareness of PP and campaign for MBUs in Northern Ireland.

Read the full article here

April 2024

APP storyteller Ailania Fraser’s story was also picked up by the national media, appearing in the Mirror, on Yahoo and more.

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APP storyteller Ailania Fraser talks to the press about her experience of PP.

Read the full article here

APP fundraiser, actress and writer Lauren-Nicole Mayes talks to the Blackpool Gazette about why she was running the London Marathon for APP.

Read the full article here

APP fundraiser, actress and writer Lauren-Nicole Mayes is featured on the Blackpool Social Club site following her inspirational London Marathon run.

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The case for trigger warnings - a piece by APP’s media coordinator Lucy Nichol for the Bookseller featuring APP’s storytelling process.

Read the full article here

APP storyteller Ruth Stacey launches her memoir, Everyone is Here to Help, all about her experience of postpartum psychosis.

Read the full article here

March 2024

APP ambassador Laura Dockrill launches our charity appeal on BBC R4, sharing her story with listeners.

Read the full article here

APP storyteller Emily Lawrence chats to Eimear O Hagan for the Express on her experience of PP and her sky high fundraising challenge!

Read the full article here

February 2024

A name has been announced for a brand new Mother and Baby Unit in Chester.

Read the full article here

January 2024

APP storyteller Tara shares her story with Belfast Live.

Read the full article here

APP storyteller Ruth chats to OK magazine about her experience of postpartum psychosis.

Read the full article here

APP’s Dr Jess Heron contributes to this Observer/Guardian article on the barriers to maternal mental healthcare.

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APP fundraisers Emily and Adam leap out of a plane at 14,000 feet to raise money and awareness.

Read the full article here

November 2023

Storyteller Charity Horton shares her experience of PP following the birth of her triplets with The Sun.

Read the full article here

All expecting mothers in NI now have access to mental health teams.

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Department of Health confirms Belfast City Hospital chosen as site for new mother and baby unit.

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Northern Ireland’s first psychiatric mother and baby unit due to be announced within days

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Mum who had postpartum psychosis says new unit in Northern Ireland is vital.

Read the full article here

October 2023

APP’s fabulous fundraiser, Lee Smith, spoke to journalist Eimear O Hagan about his year-long fundraiser and his family’s experience of PP

Read the full article here

September 2023

A piece written by APP’s Lucy Nichol featuring comment from Jess Heron and Zebunisa Pathan - Everything You Needed to Know About Postpartum Psychosis.

Read the full article here

August 2023

APP’s Hannah Bissett and our storyteller Karen contributed to this piece in the MEN to raise awareness of PP and our new peer support service in Manchester.

Read the full article here

A nationally syndicated version of Hannah and Karen’s MEN interview in the Mirror.

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A piece about the desperate need for a Mother and Baby Unit in Northern Ireland.

Read the full article here

July 2023

The inspirational 75-year old Alex Heron talks to Swansea Bay News about his mammoth Tenby Iron Man fundraising challenge.

Read the full article here

A piece about the premiere of The Good Enough Mums Club featuring comment from APP’s Dr Jess Heron.

Read the full article here

More coverage on  75-year old fundraiser Alex Heron about his Tenby Ironman Challenge

Read the full article here

More coverage on the Good Enough Mum’s Club’s upcoming tour

Read the full article here

June 2023

Richard Baish completed an 475-mile bike ride in just five days with the support of a team of friends in a bid to raise the money for national charity Action on Postpartum Psychosis.

Read the full article here


A Witney primary school teacher has raised £50,000 in memory of his late wife Alex, who died last year.

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North Wales healthcare workers cover 165+ miles each for charity.

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Formula 1 star Valtteri Bottas supports Glasgow to Witney challenge.

Read the full article here

May 2023

APP’s Sally Wilson spoke to Wales Online Health Editor, Lydia Stephens, about her experience of PP.

Read the full article here

Specialist charity launches peer support services for north west mothers experiencing postpartum psychosis..

Read the full article here

APP Storyteller, Nia Foulkes, and APP’s Sally Wilson share their experiences of Mother and Baby Units for this piece in the BBC.

Read the full article here

Fundraiser Richard Baish was interviewed by Kirsten O'Brien about his Glasgow - Witney bike ride on the BBC Radio Oxford breakfast show on 31st May.
Perthshire mum Hazel Oates cycled from Ninewells Hospital to the Mother and Baby unit at St John's Hospital in Livingston to raise money for mothers suffering from the rare, debilitating mental illness, postpartum psychosis.

Read the full article here

Fundraising cycle from Balloch to Oxfordshire aims to raise awareness of Postpartum Psychosis.

Read the full article here

Richard Baish is cycling from Glasgow to Witney for Action on Postpartum Psychosis.

Read the full article here

Oxford United Men’s First Team Physiotherapist Andy Caton will be pushing himself to the limit this month as he raises awareness and funds for Action on Postpartum Psychosis.

Read the full article here

NHS team go the extra mile to support new and expectant mums with perinatal mental illness.

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NI mum fundraising for postpartum psychosis charity in memory of 'beautiful friend'

Read the full article here

April 2023

Specialist charity launches peer support service for postpartum mothers experiencing postpartum psychosis - a news piece about our new partnership with Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation trust

Read the full article here

North Wales healthcare workers to walk 165 miles in May for charity - another of our brilliant fundraiser stories.

Read the full article here

January 2023

Poverty in UK could increase death rates during or after pregnancy, warns WHO - featuring comment from our very own Dr Jess Heron.

Read the full article here

The above piece on poverty also linked in to a feature about women who have experienced PP, including our APP storyteller, Toni Evans, as well as the impact of not receiving adequate care and the tragic story or Orlaith Quinn.

Read the full article here

December 2022

A lack of NHS beds will force mothers away from their babies - a piece about MBUs by APP’s media consultant, Lucy Nichol.

Read the full article here

A piece about menopause by APP’s media consultant, Lucy Nichol, referencing the links between menopause and PP.

Read the full article here

November 2022

A small mention of APP in this article exploring pregnancy and medication.

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Charity Job donates £15,000 to APP.

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Northern Ireland mums call for improved maternal and perinatal services. Featuring comment from APP’s Ellie Ware.

Read the full article here

October 2022

Promises of NI psychiatric unit must be delivered Minister told

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Urgent call for mother and baby unit in Northern Ireland - with quotes from APP about how many women in NI will develop PP each year

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APP storyteller Joanne backs our campaign for a Mother and Baby Unit in Northern Ireland

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‘Lives are being lost’ amid lack of psychiatric mother and baby unit in Northern Ireland

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Robin Swann asked to urgently prioritise a Mother and Baby Unit in Northern Ireland

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September 2022

Our inspirational storyteller, Lobeh, shared her PP story with Jill Foster for Yahoo Life.

Read the full article here

July 2022

New mums being failed by devastating issue that impacts 1,400 women a year

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Developing antenatal education resources on severe perinatal mental illness - by Naomi Gilbert

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June 2022

I was sectioned 10 days after my daughter was born – we missed out on quality bonding time - by Naomi Gilbert

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Postpartum psychosis support group to have first meeting

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Mum diagnosed with postpartum psychosis after birth calls for NI's first Mother and Baby Unit

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May 2022

Inadequate care plan for Orlaith Quinn among an inexplicable list of failings that ended in tragedy

NB: Trigger warning - this article talks about tragedy and suicide - please take care when reading.

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Claire Hills, one of our amazing volunteers and storytellers shares her story for Mental Health Awareness Week on ITV Tyne Tees.

Read the full article here

MBU campaigner and APP storyteller, Nia Foulkes, shares her story for The i Paper for Mental Health Awareness Week and talks about the need for more MBUs across the UK.

Read the full article here


Our very own Naomi Gilbert wrote this beautiful piece about her experience of motherhood and PP for Metro in support of Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week.

Read the full article here

APP storyteller, Jade, contributed to this brilliant piece led by our partners, Lancashire Care, talking about her experience of Ribblesmere MBU.

Read the full article here

April 2022

Our CEO, Dr Jess Heron is interviewed for Good to Know magazine, sharing information about the causes, signs, risks and treatment available for PP

Read the full article here

March 2022

Unit of Hope - a BBC Wales in depth radio documentary about the new Wales MBU - featuring interviews and support from APP

Read the full article here

APP’s Dr Jess Heron and Dr Sally Wilson write for the National Health Executive on why specialist training regarding postpartum psychosis should be rolled out to frontline health staff

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Check out this in depth feature that we supported, with expert comment from our CEO, Dr Jess Heron, as well as our brilliant storytellers.

Read the full article here

This is a brilliant review by our storyteller, Lobeh, of the show afterbirth, which explored motherhood, postpartum psychosis and life in a Mother and Baby Unit.

Read the full article here

Another preview of the brilliant stage show, afterbirth.

Read the full article here

February 2022

A piece about how the stage play afterbirth is raising much-needed awareness of postpartum psychosis.

Read the full article here

APP storyteller Charity Horton speaks to the media about her experience of postpartum psychosis.

Read the full article here

Another piece from APP storyteller Charity Horton - this time the story went nationally in The Mirror

Read the full article here

A great preview of afterbirth, the show written by Zena Forster and directed by Grace Duggan exploring motherhood, postpartum psychosis and life in a Mother and Baby Unit.

Read the full article here

January 2022

An in depth feature on maternal mental health, with information about postpartum psychosis, APP and MBUs

Read the full article here

APP storyteller Nia speaks to ITV News about the need for a Mother and Baby Unit in North Wales.

Read the full article here

December 2021

Social media trends for charities to watch in 2022 - featuring APP’s very own Jessie Hunt.

Read the full article here

November 2021

This piece is actually focused on PND and PP in India (where the description of PP appears to be described quite differently).  With signposted support to APP for UK readers.

Read the full article here

October 2021

Katherine Shaw shares her experience of PP and raising awareness with the Mirror.

Read the full article here

Katherine Shaw’s story also made it into Mail Online:

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Katherine Shaw’s story again - this time in The Sun.

Read the full article here

September 2021

A piece written by our ambassador, Laura Dockrill, on the myths surrounding postpartum psychosis

Read the full article here

August 2021

A piece on maternal mental health in the pandemic, featuring information on APP and PP more generally

Read the full article here

July 2021

APP ambassador’s Laura Dockrill and Hugo White chat to Yvette Caster and Ellen Scott on Metro’s Mentally Yours podcast

Listen here

June 2021

APP ambassador Hugo White writes about his PP experience as a partner for The Independent on Father’s Day

Read the full article here

APP ambassador Laura Dockrill chats to Hello! Magazine about her experience of postpartum psychosis

Read the full article here

APP trustee Professor Ian Jones on what PP is and how to spot the signs

Watch here

May 2021

My best mate Adele saved me - APP ambassador Laura Dockrill talks about her experience of PP

Watch here

Adele saved best friend Laura Dockrill’s life

Read the full article here

Q&A: Simon O’Mara from APP

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New play about motherhood and psychosis premiere’s in Oxford

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New service at hospital in Morpeth

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Mental health and pregnancy: I couldn’t hold my baby for more than a minute

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April 2021

Laura Dockrill on parenting, paranoia and postpartum psychosis

Read the full article here

Hannah Bissett tells Lisa Shaw why she wants more mothers to tell their stories

Listen here

CNTW NHS Trust partnership to support new mums

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I put up a photo of my new baby and myself with champagne. It was a lie - I was ill

Read the full article here

Peer support service launches in Morpeth for North East and North Cumbria mums experiencing postpartum psychosis

Read the full article here

March 2021

Author and literary agent, Catherine Cho, chats to Colorado Public Radio about her experience of PP

Listen here

Author and literary agent, Catherine Cho, writes for the Telegraph about her new memoir, Inferno, and why she decided to have another child after her experience of PP

Read the full article here

Author and literary agent, Catherine Cho, writes for the I Paper about her new memoir, Inferno, detailing her account of PP

Read the full article here

Speaking to other women with postpartum psychosis helped me get through it

Read the full article here

February 2021

Mum reveals how postpartum psychosis left her convinced her baby was the devil

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Mum hallucinated her baby was the devil due to rare mental health condition after giving birth

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Postpartum Psychosis - the illness you’ve probably never heard of.

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Charity urges increase in awareness about maternal mental health for Black and Asian women

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Black and Asian mothers require tailored postpartum psychosis support says charity

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January 2021

Woman's traumatic childbirth triggered such extreme psychosis that she was sectioned.

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New mum reveals harrowing experience of postpartum psychosis after traumatic birth

Read the full article here

December 2020

A news story about our work with TV drama, Hollyoaks and their moving PP storyline

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A news story about our work with TV drama, Hollyoaks on Liberty’s emotional PP storyline

Read the full article here

APP CEO writes for The Independent about why Mother and Baby Units are vital for recovery

Read the full article here

Watch a clip from Liberty’s PP story in Hollyoaks on the Facebook channel

Watch here

APP’s Hannah Bissett writes for Metro about her experience of PP and Hollyoaks’ new storyline

Read the full article here

APP’s Hannah Bissett and Dr Ayesha Rahim chat to the Woman’s Hour team about PP alongside Hollyoaks’ producer Josie Day

Listen here

Nov 2020

Metro, 20 Nov, 'Similarly, you might see very specialist charities like Action on Postpartum Psychosis playing a key role in blasting stereotypes (think back to Stacey’s harrowing story in EastEnders)'

BBC Radio Northampton, 8 Nov, Researcher Jasdeep Grewal & APP's National Training Co-ordinator Sally (from 16:46) Bridport News, 2 Nov, 'West Dorset couple cycle from Lands End to John O'Groats'

Oct 2020

BBC News, 26 Oct, Kathryn Baughan's PP story Instagram Live, 9 Oct, Eve Canavan's PP story

Film4 blog, 21 Oct, Director Bijan Sheibani on making a short film, shown on Film4. The film follows the story of a mum with PP

Facebook #SuperDadChatLIVE, 14 Oct, With APP's Partners Peer Support Co-ordinator Simon

Unity FM 39.5, 13 Oct, APP’s Hannah’s shares her postpartum psychosis story & discusses APP's Birmingham project

Chard and Ilminster News, 29 Oct, 'Hills raise £5,000 by conquering epic cross country cycle ride' ITV's Loose Women, 9 Oct, Laura Dockrill's PP experience

Sep 2020

Heart Radio North West News, 18 Sep, APP's Peer Support Facilitator Jocelyn's PP story

Aug 2020

Grazia, 25 Aug, Anna Whitehouse, founder of Mother Pukka shares her PND and PP story

BBC Radio Somerset, 11 Aug, Interview with APP’s Hannah & fundraisers Simon and Jude Hill Dorset Echo, 27 Aug, 'Winsham couple will cycle 2,500 miles for charity'

Bridport News, 23 Aug, 'Couple take on 2,500 mile cycle challenge for mental health' Metro, 27 Aug, Carla Louise Phillips’ PP story and interview with APP Director Dr Jess Heron
The New York Times, 4 Aug, Catherine Cho's PP experience

Jul 2020

APP Instagram Live, 25 Jul, APP in conversation with US screenwriter Nakia Stephens about the short film 'Baby Blue'

Jun 2020

Nutricia Podcast, 29 Jun, Gill, an NHS midwife, in conversation with Sally, National Training Co-ordinator at APP BBC News, 21 Jun, 'After mum died, no-one talked about her for 15 years'. Iain and Don Cunningham in conversation
The Telegraph, 09 Jun, Catherine Cho's PP experience

May 2020

Perinatal Mental Health Partnership Facebook Live, 7 May, Kat & her husband Tom discuss their experience of PP with Giles Berrisford, Perinatal Psychiatrist and Chair of APP & with Ellie, Peer Support Coordinator for APP for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week APP Facebook Live, 4 May, Sally & her husband Jamie discuss their experience of the early signs & symptoms of PP with Ian Jones, Professor of Psychiatry & Trustee of APP for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week

APP Facebook Live, 9 May, #HonestConversations with Laura Dockrill, Dr Jo Black and APP's Jessie for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week APP Facebook Live, 6 May, APP in conversation with Catherine Cho, author of 'Inferno: A Memoir' for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week
The Guardian, 17 May, ‘Inferno; What Have I Done? – fearless accounts of postpartum psychosis by Catherine Cho and Laura Dockrill’ The Times, 9 May, Hugo White of the Maccabees on his partner’s PP

Apr 2020

The Daily Mail, 27 Apr, Christina Royapen's PP experience The Times, 19 Apr, Laura Dockrill shares her experience of PP
New York Times, 17 Apr, Lisa's PP experience in the USA

Mar 2020

The Guardian, 07 Mar, Catherine Cho's PP experience BBC Radio, 28 Mar, Journalist Claire Graham meets women from across Northern Ireland who've fought their own battles with post-natal mental health, including Joanna’s PP story

Feb 2020

BBC's Doctors, 6 Feb, Postpartum psychosis storyline

Jan 2020

The Daily Mail, 06 Jan, Sarah Snelling's PP experience

The Westmorland Gazette, 16 Jan, Concert Boosts Mother's Charity Fund

The Daily Mail, 21 Jan, Laura Arthur's PP experience

The Stylist, "My postpartum psychosis made me think I was Cameron Diaz ",  by Jen Wight

Nov 2019



BBC West Midlands, Natalie talks about her PP experience

Oct 2019

The Leader, 10 Oct, Sarah's PP experience BBC Radio 2 - Jeremy Vine, 15 Oct, Iain Cunningham discusses his film Irene's Ghost and his experience of PP

The Daily Mail, 31 Oct, Interview with Florida based Mum who had PP including interview with APP's Director Dr Jess Heron.

Sep 2019

The Daily Mail, 13 Sep, Ele's PP experience The Metro, 13 Sep, Ele's PP experience

Aug 2019

The Guardian, 16 Aug, Sarah's PP experience

Jul 2019

BBC Sounds, 4 Jul, Poet Laura Dockrill talks surviving PP, Adele and falling in love. The Daily Mail, 3 Jul, Olivia's PP experience

BBC News, 3 Jul, Amy's PP experience and blog 'Mummykind' Birmingham Live, 7 Jul, Katy's PP experience

Belfast Telegraph, 19 Jul, New campaign calls for better perinatal mental health system in Northern Ireland Love Belfast, 21 Jul, New mums in Northern Ireland experience “worst” perinatal mental health services in the UK

The Irish News, 23 Jul, NSPCC's campaign 'Fight for a Fair Start' for improved perinatal mental health provision in NI The Conversation, 24 Jul, article on PP by Marisa Casanova Dias, Cardiff University

BBC World Service, 25 Jul, Jen's PP experience

Jun 2019

BBC News, 11 Jun, Jen's postpartum psychosis experience The Metro, 28 Jun, Adele and her best friend Laura's PP experience

May 2019

The Independent, 6 May, Sophie's PP experience Digital Spy, 6 May, Louis Theroux's documentary 'Mothers on the Edge'

The Guardian, 8 May, interview with Louis Theroux about 'Mothers on the Edge' documentary The Daily Mail, 9 May, Louis Theroux's documentary and This Morning appearance

The Sun, 11 May, Louis Theroux's documentary & Lisa's PP experience Manchester Evening News, 12 May, Emma's postpartum psychosis experience

The Express, 12 May, Louis Theroux's documentary and what is postpartum psychosis? BBC iPlayer, 12 May, Louis Theroux documentary 'Mothers on the Edge' watch again

BBC Radio Lancashire, 15 May, Emma talks about her PP experience (from 1 hr 09 min) The Sun, 16 May, Rowena's postpartum psychosis experience

BBC iPlayer, 23 May, documentary 'My Baby, Psychosis and Me' watch again BBC News, 31 May, video about Iain Cunningham's film Irene's Ghost

Apr 2019

BBC News, 4 April, 'Bringing new mums back from crisis' video report from new MBU in Devon Wales online, 16 April, Rachel's PP experience in Wales, but having to travel to Nottingham's MBU

ELLE magazine, 26 April, feature on PP & Rachel's story 'Mothers In Crisis: Coping With Serious Mental Health Issues In The Wake Of Giving Birth' The York Press, 28 April, Sarah's PP story and help available in Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust

Virgin Media, 29 April, TV presenter Anna Williamson talks about postnatal anxiety & PTSD, plus about PP / APP.

Mar 2019

Mosaic Science, 5 March, Catherine Carver & Hannah Bissett's PP stories BBC News, 6 March, PMH £52m investment for Scotland

BBC Radio 4 - Woman's Hour, 11 March, Claire & family talk about their PP experience (30 mins in) BBC Wales Today, 13 March, Dr Jess Heron & Sally discuss the need for PMH support in Wales

BBC News, 13 March, Sally's PP experience and PMH in Wales Stylist, 20 March, Louis Theroux discusses his new documentary on PP

BBC Radio Foyle, 21 Mar, Director Iain Cunningham discusses his film Irene's Ghost ITV News, 29 March, 'Music 4 Mums' concert to highlight the mental health condition postpartum psychosis.'

Feb 2019

The Practising Midwife, 1 February, Communication matters article written by Dr Catherine Green, Ellie Ware & Laura Bridle. Find out more here

Lancashire Post, 4 February,  Ribblemere  MBU  Lancashire & Cumbria

Jan 2019

BBC Look East, 22 January, Norfolk & Suffolk new MBU opening BBC News, 23 January, Norfolk mental health MBU ends 'postcode lottery'

East Anglian Daily Times, 25 January, New £4m specialist unit for new mothers opens BBC Radio Yorkshire, 30 January, APP's Hannah interview about APP and her lived experience

Dec 2018

Mirror, 29 December, Sara's PP story

Nov 2018

The Backstory, 12 & 19 November, Me, my baby and psychosis: Jess and Matt’s story - podcast. The Metro, 25 November, Pregnancy and Bipolar
ITV News, 25 November, perinatal mental health support in Northern Ireland BBC Radio 4, 'A Mother's Mind', 30 November, Jessie, Amy & Fiona's PP experiences

Oct 2018

Huffington Post, 23 October, 'Mom And Baby Units For Postpartum Depression Exist, But Not In Canada'  BBC North West, 24 October, video for new Lancashire MBU opening & Hannah's PP experience
BBC News, 26 October, Hannah's PP experience ahead of new MBU opening in Lancashire & Cumbria Grantham Journal, 26 October, Jessica's PP experience
Heart, 30 October, new Ribblemere MBU opens for Lancashire & Cumbria

Sep 2018

BBC WM radio, 4 September, interview with Katy about her PP experience The Daily Mail, 18 September, Catherine's PP experience

Aug 2018

Independent, 14 August, Adele expresses support for her friend Laura's PP story

BBC News, 13 August, Adele supports her friend Laura's PP story BBC Radio 5 Live, 14 August, Rachel Burden's Breakfast show discussing PP with some of APP's media volunteers
Channel 5 News, 14 August, APP media volunteer Eve discusses her experiences of PP BBC Newsbeat, 14 August, Adele spotted her friend's PP illness
BBC One Breakfast TV, 15 August 2018, APP Chair Dr Giles Berrisford & APP media volunteer Amy Spruce discussing PP Yahoo, 14 August 2018, Adele's best friend's PP experience
The Guardian, 15 August, Adele shares story of friend's PP to help new mothers Pretty 52, 21 August, Eve's PP story
Daily Record, 23 August, Catherine's PP story Wales Online, 27 August, Sarah's PP story
BBC Radio Scotland, 30 August, Catherine's PP story

Jul 2018

The Sun, 25 July, Emily's PP story Huffington Post, 23 July, Olivia's PP story
That's Lancashire TV news, July, new MBU & APP volunteer Emma shares her experiences of PP

Jun 2018

BBC News, 24 June, APP Trustee Sarah Hayes' PP story and need for MBU in Wales

May 2018

ITV News, 1 May, Sally's PP story Pirate FM, 2 May, Cara's PP story and support group in Cornwall
Spirit FM, 2 May, Hayley's PP story and support in Sussex Metro, 3 May, Maternal Mental Health & PP article
APP Live on Facebook, 3 May, APP's live video via Perinatal Mental Health Partnership page Zetland FM, 4 May, Sarah on the radio (from 10am) sharing her PP story & help from APP
The Sun, 4 May, Cara's PP story Sky News, 8 May, Kathryn's PP story
BBC Tees radio, 8 May, Sarah's PP story and discussion on PMH services Eastern Daily Press, 10 May - Norfolk's Mental Health provision rated 'green' by MMHA

Apr 2018

BBC Radio Wales, 19 Apr, Sally's powerful PP story Huffington Post, 19 Apr, Laura, a champion for the Everyone's Business campaign, tells her PP story - MMHA map launch
BBC News, 20 Apr, New mothers in Wales still cannot access specialist Perinatal Mental Health services - MMHA map launch Huffington Post, 24 Apr Sanchita's PP story
Daily Post North Wales, 28 Apr, Sally's PP story

Feb 2018

Sport Relief, 01 Feb, Amy talks about her PP experience The Sun, 15 Feb, Kelly's PP story

Jan 2018

BBC iPlayer - Sport Relief, 6 Jan, Amy talks about PP experience PeopleRoyals - 24 Jan, Kate Middleton Tackles Awareness of PP
Channel 4 News - 8 Jan, Katherine talks about her PP experience BBC News - 17 Jan, new MBU to open in Dartford, Kent

Dec 2017

Daily Mail, 1 Dec, Denise Welch's PP story

Nov 2017

BBC Radio Wales, 1 Nov, Sally's PP story The BMJ, 8 Nov, 'Maternal mental health: Handle with care'
BBC News, 28 Nov, Stories of 'mum guilt' at 5 live's #mumtakeover Daily Record, 30 Nov, Catherine's story

Oct 2017

STV, 6 Oct, Catherine's story  BBC Tomorrow's World, 10 Oct, Catherine's story on video

ITV News, 17 Oct, Welsh Government’s Children, Young People & Education Committee Inquiry

Sept 2017

Ripon Gazette & Harrogate Adverstiser, 28 Sep, Carroll's and Hannah's PP story BBC Hereford & Worcester, 6 Sep, Hannah's PP story and interview

Aug 2017

Daily Mail, 16 Aug, Catherine's PP story Daily Gazette & Essex County Standard, 3 Aug, Lucy's PP story

Good to know, 25 Aug, Denise Welch's PP story

July 2017

The Metro, 10th July, Kirsten Hay's PP story The Independent, 10th July, Catherine Carver's PP story

BBC News, 27 Jul, Mother and baby mental health unit for Wales considered

June 2017

ITV This Morning 8 June, Hannah & Andy from My Baby Psychosis & Me share their story. Mirror Online 8 June, picks up on Hannah & Andy's story from This Morning, with link to APP.

Burton Mail 3 June, story on Tutbury Community Choir event for Music 4 Mums  Nursing Times, 26 June "Two fifths of postnatal mental health problems undetected"
Daily Mirror, 30 June: Jenny & Henry's PP story

May 2017

Telegraph & Argus, 4th May: International Day of the Midwife at Bradford Royal Infirmary mums and babies event to raise money for APP. Closer Magazine, 9th May: It Happened To Me, APP Peer Support Coordinator Hannah shares her story.
Daily Mail, 18th May: APP Media Volunteer Hannah Faulkner shares her story w/link to APP. Solicitors' Journal 23rd May: Preventing Tragic Outcomes
BBC Radio 4: Article about DocuDrama Mama Courage & Jess Pidsley's PP story Slater & Gordon blog 23rd May: Postpartum Mental Health Awareness: What do You Need to Know?
The Guardian 8th May: Jessica Pidsley's PP story

Apr 2017

BBC News, 12th April, report on inquest into the death of Alice Gibson-Watt following an episode of PP. BBC News, 27th April, Anthony Gibson-Watt speaks about the inquest verdict 'I had no idea about postpartum psychosis'
BBC News, 27th April, report on inquest verdict. BBC Radio 4 Broadcasting House, 30th April, APP's Hannah Bissett talks about her experience of PP
Hertfordshire Mercury 25th April, North Herts mum bravely speaks about the 'psychotic episodes' she suffered after birth of her son The Guardian, 20th April, Sarah West's PP story

Mar 2017

BBC Radio Wales: Eye on Wales on postpartum psychosis, 13 March. Sally & Jamie share their story. Daily Mail, 23 March: Duchess of Cambridge talks to Kat Grant about PP at Best Beginnings launch event.
Huffington Post, 27 March: Postpartum psychosis Risk after Childbirth

Feb 2017

Metro 11th Feb: inquest into tragic death of Rachel Morgan

Jan 2017

BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour 5th January. APP's Val & Ian Jones talk PP & the menopause. iNews 30th January. Sara Fenwick shares her personal experience of PP. 

Dec 2016

BBC Look East 13th Dec - inside Rainbow Mother & Baby Unit, North Essex Partnership + Velvet's PP story.

Nov 2016

BBC Wiltshire 30th November Dr Jess Heron talks about PP and APP.
This Morning 23rd November "Postpartum psychosis left me suicidal". Daily Mail 29th November, Scarlett Hatterson's experience of PP.

EssexLive 1st November. Heartbreaking story of Pippa Whiteward. BBC Radio Sussex (15m40s) 1st November: Ellie Ware talks about important of peer support after Adele went public about postnatal depression.

Oct 2016

Woman's House, BBC Radio 4. Fiona Putnam discusses her postnatal psychosis. Daily Mail 10th October. Holly York talks about her postpartum psychosis.

Aug 2016

Guardian 19th August "Pregnancy and mental health: the hidden pain of giving birth" featuring two PP stories.  BBC Newsbeat 20th August "This woman photographed her postpartum psychosis recovery"

Daily Mail 16th August "Motherhood gave me psychosis" APP Media Volunteer, Katy Chachou's story.  Braintree & Witham Times 11th August Deborah and James Akinyemi's story.

Jun-Jul 2016

Health Service Journal 5th July "Time to nurture better mental healthcare services" (PDF) Featuring Ellie's story. Daily Mail 30th July - heartbreaking story of Alice Gibson-Watt.
Mental Health Today 21st June
"Perinatal mental health issues - more than baby blues"
Featuring Sarah's story.
Time To Change Wales guest blog post 7th July by Sarah.

Feb 2016

The Guardian - 20th Feb The Guardian - 16th Feb

BBC 2 Victoria Derbyshire - 15th Feb (Starts at 70 mins) BBC 1 News - 15th Feb (Starts at 40 mins)

BBC WM Adrian Goldberg - 15th Feb (Starts at 41 mins) Radio 5 Live Breakfast - 15th Feb (Starts at 65 mins)

ITV News - 1st Feb

 TV News - 1st Feb

Jan 2016

BBC Radio Scotland- 21st Jan

BBC Breakfast News - 19th Jan
BBC Radio 5 Live - 19th Jan The Sun Fabulous Magazine - 17th Jan
Huffington Post Parents - 15th Jan Bella Magazine - Jan
The Londonist - 11th Jan Buzzfeed - 9th Jan
BBC News - 9th Jan BBC Eastenders Online - 7th Jan
The Daily Express - 3rd Jan  

December 2015

Kent Newspapers & Kent Online
Kent Newspapers & Kent Online - 25th Dec
Radio Times
Radio Times - 24th Dec
The Telegraph
The Telegraph - 21st Dec
Huffington Post Parents
Huffington Post Parents - 14th Dec
The Mirror
The Mirror - 9th Dec

Aug 2015

Darlington & Stockton Times - 15th Aug

July 2015

Exeter Express and Echo- 26th July
Londonist - 27th July
Yorkshire Post - 29th July
Sidmouth Herald - 27th July (repeated in the Midweek Herald)
Huffington Post Parents - 30th July

Dec 2014

The Guardian
The Guardian, 10 Dec - Vonny's PP story