All posts by Andrea

Bipolar and Pregnancy: what are the options?

Bipolar & pregnancy workshop Sept 2013Bipolar UK and APP staged a ‘Pregnancy and Childbirth Workshop’ for women with bipolar on September 20th.

More than two dozen women and two husbands attended the workshop held at the charity’s headquarters in Victoria, London, to discuss the often difficult decisions women with bipolar face when considering pregnancy.


Pregnancy support group is NHS first for Cornwall

Great news for women in the South West: Cornwall gets its first perinatal mental health service - read this piece by Esmé Ashcroft in local paper The West Briton.

Anthony Harrison, The Angela Harrison Charitable Trust
Anthony Harrison, founder of The Angela Harrison Charitable Trust, at the launch of the new perinatal mental health service at Truro Health Park

Pregnancy support group is NHS first for Cornwall

CORNWALL'S first mental health service aimed at helping women before, during and after pregnancy was launched on Monday thanks to support from a local charity.

With the help of the Angela Harrison Charitable Trust, the Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust launched the county's first perinatal mental health team to help women across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The new service supports women who have had previous experience or newly developed moderate to severe mental health needs, during and after pregnancy.

The perinatal mental health team aims to speed up the diagnosis of mental instability so women can be given support and help as early as possible. (more…)

APP / PP Catalogue Advert

APP catalogue advert / PP information

These are the two pages providing information on Postpartum Psychosis & APP charity printed in the Sotheby's London, 22nd July - 9th August catalogue.

Many thanks & heartfelt gratitude to Sotheby's staff for your considerable efforts & hosting a wonderful event!

Click here to download the advert pdf»

Bipolar UK’s Women, Pregnancy & Childbirth Workshop

BipolarUK_Logo_Colour_JPG High ResAre you a woman with bipolar, or concerned about the potential of bipolar, who would like more information about pregnancy and childbirth?

Bipolar UK Chair of Trustees Clare Dolman (who has bipolar and is a mother of two) and perinatal psychiatrist Professor Ian Jones invite you to join them at Bipolar UK’s Women, Pregnancy and Childbirth Workshop to discuss the choices facing women with bipolar who are thinking about pregnancy.

Date: Friday 20 September 2013
Time: 10.30am - 1.00pm
Venue: Victoria Charity Centre, 11 Belgrave Road, London, SW1V 1RB

Attendance is free as the workshop is being supported by Bipolar UK and Cardiff University. Our experience is that these workshops are very popular. If after confirming your place you are unable to attend please let us know and we will be able to offer the availability to another. We will be seeking a late cancellation charge of £20 for anyone not attending on the day and not informing us by Sunday 15 September.

Places are limited, so please confirm your attendance with Sally Roberts on or 020 7931 6480.


Support Us at Sotheby’s Annual Staff Exhibition

sothebys catalogue

From Friday 26th July Sotheby’s staff are to hold their Annual Staff Exhibition where the public can view and buy artwork created by members of Sotheby’s staff. We are delighted that APP has been nominated as its 2013 charity and we receive 15% on sales of very reasonably priced artwork.  APP will also have a stand there and we appear (in some detail) in their catalogue which Sotheby's will kindly donate 100% of sales to us.The exhibition runs from 26th July - 9th August, Mon to Fri, 9am till 4.30pm, Sotheby’s London address: New Bond St Galleries, 34 -35 New Bond St, London, W1A 2AA.

It would be wonderful if you could support us by taking a trip to the exhibition or by buying a catalogue? Or even buy some artwork? Or perhaps you or your company would enclose a donation in our envelopes - available from the APP stall?

Catalogues are available at the exhibition or we are selling them at £3.50 each +postage, please contact

Thank you in advance for your support.

APP Attend SAPPHIRE Stigma Summit

APP were well-represented at the SAPPHIRE Stigma Summit in London this month.Sapphire_summit

Trustee Clare Dolman and member Ceri Rose manned the APP stall and its neighbour promoting the Maternal Mental Health Alliance.  Both organisations attracted interest from many of the 400 delegates who were gathered at the Institute of Psychiatry, London, to discuss the impact of stigma and discrimination in mental health.

Recorded excerpts from the Radio 4 documentary ‘Unravelling Eve’ (involving several APP members) were also played at the Summit, which was also attended by project artist Joan Molloy.


Comic Relief Funding for Maternal Mental Health Campaign

comic relief logoComic Relief has awarded the Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) £250k to run a Maternal Mental Health Campaign over three years.

The Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) is a coalition of thirty UK organisations committed to better mental health & wellbeing for women & their children in pregnancy & the first postnatal year, in order to improve long-term outcomes for mothers, fathers & children.

This funding is a result of work undertaken earlier this year to develop a Theory of Change for the campaign and the coming together of our organisations to harness our collective strength. Action on Postpartum Psychosis will act as official host / applicant.

This is wonderful news, not only does this provide necessary resources; it also highlights the huge importance of Maternal Mental Health in general. THANK YOU Comic Relief!!

SAPPHIRE Stigma Summit

APP will have a promotional stall at a major mental health conference next week: the SAPPHIRE Stigma Summit (research programme on stigma and discrimination in mental health) held in London on Thursday, July 4th.

Health Minister Norman Lamb, Charles Walker MP and Frank Bruno are among the guest speakers at the summit, the theme of which is "Sharing Stories to Stop Stigma'.

Tickets are still available (only £10 for service users), see the website for details

Click to view & download event flyer>

Voices of the Valley Charity Concert

On Friday 14th June, 2013 some members of the APP Board, along with their friends, journeyed to Llay nr Wrexham in Wales for a charity concert performed by the internationally renowned, Welsh "Fron Male Voice Choir". APP will benefit financially by the Fron's generosity and we should like to thank all of the choir, their conductor and their management  for: the warmth of their welcome; for their flexibility in allowing us to invade their hall with our advertising banner and literature - thereby raising vital awareness ; and of course - for the soaring beauty of their singing! It was a truly magnificent gesture from a very busy choir and we look forward to maintaining contact with them in the future as we at APP also soar!


Robin's Madrid Marathon Challenge

Madrid MarathonWhen I signed up to run the Madrid Marathon, I was aware that Madrid was likely to be pretty hot in April, and the course was far from flat.  Most marathon websites have a map of the course - this one had a map, but also an altimeter!  This fear of a gruelling few hours in the Spanish capital spurred me on to undergo some very wintry runs in the early months of the year.  The training became easier and more determined as more and more kind friends and family donated to APP.

I was then made aware of the charity fund-matching scheme of my employer, Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT), so with JLT and many friends backing me to finish the pressure was on.
